23 April 2017

My PTPTN First Class Exemption

I would like to share my experience of first class exemption for PTPTN loan for degree, I am from Multimedia University.

I applied exemption at Putrajaya PTPTN branch (JPA building, will got people come every week to collect application and send to headquarter at Jalan Yap Kwan Seng) on September 2016 and got the confirmation letter on 24 November 2016, so about 2-3 months waiting time.

There are 3 stages after you submit application:
  1. First stage they check your outstanding payment.
  2. Second stage they check your submitted documents for validation.
  3. Third stage wait manager to sign and approve.
  • PTPTN loan for degree.
  • Degree certificate:
    • with first class honour (MMU=CGPA 3.67, different school different CGPA)
    • finished study within agreed period (mine=3 years course)
      • prolong 1 semester will be rejected.
      • prolong because student exchange will be rejected. (*update from a friend who went to student exchange for a year and got first class exemption but not 100% amount.)
      • die die also must finish within that period, don't extend!
  • You paid outstanding PTPTN loan (diploma).
    • Because I applied payment hold for diploma loan due continue study, but when I apply exemption for degree (after 3 years) they asked me to pay my diploma loan outstanding RM7,000 (from time being, total RM20,000) only they will proceed my application. 
Required documents (photocopy and certified from exam unit):
  • Degree certificate with "FIRST CLASS" printed
    • If not, you need to get certificate from your university say you have first class.
  • Transcript
  • MQA certificate for your course
MMU will prepare required documents in a folder after graduation ceremony if you have first class and is PTPTN borrower.

I went to PTPTN office to apply first class exemption, they checked my outstanding payment and gave me a form to fill up, I submitted documents and called them every week to check my status.

Repay while waiting for approval (CCRIS matter):
  • PTPTN given 6 months gap for you to find job or apply exemption after the date you "finish study" (not graduation date), meaning that you don't have to repay within this 6 months.
  • However, after 6 months you will have to repay based on the amount agreed in your agreement. 
  • This is very important if you want to apply bank loan or credit card. One month late payment will be recorded in CCRIS and application maybe rejected.
  • If your first class exemption approved after 6 months and you already repaying them, they will refund to you or debit to diploma loan account.
  • Hold repayment due continue study will affect CCRIS, it stated that I didn't pay my loan for 42 months (diploma loan), which took me a year to clear my record by paying HUGE outstanding first and every month so I can apply bank loan or credit card again.
  • If you paid exceed amount it will deduce for the following month(s).
Please contact PTPTN if you have further question(s): 

Study smart, don't study everything, we will know more when we start working. Make your lecturer your friend, your life will be easier.

Finally, I would also like to give my deepest appreciation to thanks all my lecturer, friend and family.

Thank you.